Subs & Fees

11th Bridge of Allan charge subscriptions per term (currently at a rate of £3/week). Subs pay for the costs of UK Membership fees (approximately £50 per year), insurance, hire of premises and programme delivery costs.

Most of our equipment is purchased with Grants or money raised from Fund Raising activities throughout the year. We typically have a Fun Day, deliver and recycle xmas trees, and sell programmes for the Bridge of Allan Highland Games each year. This allows us to keep Subscriptions low.

Camps and Events are charged separately. Fees are set to cover the cost of the activity plus a small contingency. For larger events we may ask for a deposit, and may offer a payment schedule. Any surplus on camps and events is retained for future contingencies or supplementing our equipment budget. GiftAid received on subscriptions is retained for supplementing our equipment budget or for other group needs as agreed by the Trustees.

Payments are requested by email via Online Scout Manager (OSM). We recommend the option of setting up a Direct Debit, but you have the option to confirm payments individually. When your scout moves up a section you will need to re-establish your Direct Debit agreement.

Cancellations: if we cannot substitute a cancelled place then we reserve the right to retain a deposit or sufficient fee to cover the incurred costs of that place.

Gift Aid: when you join we will ask if you will agree to make Subscription payments under the HMRC Gift Aid umbrella. From time to time we may send you an email with a link to confirm your agreement, this will allow us to reclaim 25% of the sum from HMRC and with no cost to you. If you don’t wish to do this please do still respond so we can take you off the list.

Support Fund

Support Fund – If money is a problem preventing your Scout from attending camp or term programme please have a confidential word with the section leader.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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